[Mrgcv] Mobility for the masters program in Robotics, Graphics and Computer vision

jneira jneira en unizar.es
Vie Feb 7 16:20:12 CET 2020

Students will have the opportunity to spend a semester in another university in Europe (through the Erasmus+ program), America, Asia, and Oceania (through the NAAO program), either taking courses or working on their final degree project.  

We are currently negotiating agreements with 30 institutions that offer similar master programs in the subjects of robotics, graphics and computer vision.  

Similar opportunities will be available to carry out internships in local, national and international companies, and within the research groups of the University of Zaragoza that support this masters program.  

For the Erasmus+ program, applications will be possible in October 2020 for the second semester, and in February 2021 for the third semester.  For the NAAO program, applications will be possible in November 2020 for the third semester. 

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