[Jaje] Fwd: Research, GDPR and confidentiality - Module transcripts
Julia Ramirez
Julia.Ramirez en unizar.es
Jue Nov 7 16:41:26 CET 2024
On 07/11/2024 16:32, Ángela Hernández Mendoza wrote:
> Hola!
> Os reenvío las transcripciones del curso ' Research, GDPR and
> confidentiality' de UKBiobank por si fueran de vuestro interés.
> Ángela
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> De: *RSC* <rsc en mrc.ukri.org>
> Date: jue, 7 nov 2024 a las 14:23
> Subject: Research, GDPR and confidentiality - Module transcripts
> To: Ángela Hernández Mendoza <angela.hernandezm en unizar.es>
> Dear Ángela
> Thank you for your email.
> Please find attached the transcripts of our “Research, GDPR and
> confidentiality – what you really need to know" online modules as
> requested.
> Our guidance on data and confidentiality law can be found in ‘Using
> data about people in research’ at
> ukri.org/mrc-regulatory-support-centre
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ukri.org/mrc-regulatory-support-centre__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!SFhBQC44aEc1vDEqhd49Fib9K65BJbOcgIKl8OCVuaVdizvt-sIC8LYOaMjxj1ME3Ai12ufoJDAPA4QN3zuu$>
> Kind regards
> Karen
> Medical Research Council, Regulatory Support Centre
> ukri.org/mrc-regulatory-support-centre
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.ukri.org/mrc-regulatory-support-centre__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!SFhBQC44aEc1vDEqhd49Fib9K65BJbOcgIKl8OCVuaVdizvt-sIC8LYOaMjxj1ME3Ai12ufoJDAPA4QN3zuu$>
> Support and guidance for those conducting research with human
> participants, their tissues or data.
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