[Inma-doctores] Preanuncio convocatoria QUANTERA
Carmen Gonzalo
mcgonzalo en unizar.es
Vie Dic 16 10:40:32 CET 2022
Buenos días,
Este mes se ha publicado el preanuncio de la convocatoria de la Eranet
QUANTERA 2023. <https://quantera.eu/call-2023-pre-announcement/>
La convocatoria abrirá con dos topics:
· Quantum Phenomena and Resources (QPR) where the goal is to lay the
foundations for the QT of the future. The focus is on basic quantum science
and fundamental physics, and the projects should explore novel quantum
phenomena, concepts, resources, protocols, algorithms, and/or address major
challenges that prevent broad applications of some quantum technologies;
· Applied Quantum Science (AQS) where the goal is to take known
quantum effects and established concepts from quantum science, translate
them into technological applications and develop new products. These could
be novel devices that are based on known quantum effects and that will serve
a novel application in QT, or devices and systems that translate known
quantum applications into products and industrial applications.
Los proyectos se espera que cubran al menos una de las siguientes áreas:
· Quantum communication
· Quantum simulation
· Quantum computation
· Quantum information sciences
· Quantum metrology sensing and imaging
Fechas: La convocatoria será a una única fase, abrirá a finales de enero
2023 y cerrará el 11/05/2023.
Consorcio: El consorcio deberá estar formado por al menos tres socios de
tres países elegibles
07.12.2022docx-2.pdf> en la convocatoria.
Si tenéis interés en la convocatoria, indicárnoslo y así os enviaremos toda
la información tan pronto como la publiquen.
Un cordial saludo,
Carmen Gonzalo
Relaciones y Programas Internacionales
Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Ciencias.
Edificio A
C/ Pedro Cerbuna, 12 - 50009 Zaragoza - España
Tel. +34 876 55 33 75
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