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Mensaje personal de rmendoza@unizar.es:
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The “International Symposium on Carbon for Catalysis, CarboCat–IX” will be held in Zaragoza (Spain) on June 23-25th, 2020. The Carbocat symposium is now 16 years old and it has been held every two years in various European cities and China.<br />
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Carbocat-IX will cover new developments and fundamental advances on carbon materials (conventional and nanostructured carbons) for catalytic applications in biomass conversion, electrocatalysis, fuels & chemicals, photocatalysis and environmental catalysis amont others.<br />
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For news, info and updates please visit the website https://carbocat2020.com/<br />
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We are very much looking forward to welcome you in June 2020 to Aragón region and beautiful city of Zaragoza!<br />
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Ud. recibe este correo por pertenecer a una lista de correo gestionada por la Universidad de Zaragoza. Puede encontrar toda la información sobre como tratamos sus datos en el siguiente enlace:<br />
https://sicuz.unizar.es/informacion-sobre-proteccion-de-datos-de-caracter-personal-en-listas <br />
Recuerde que si está suscrito a una lista voluntaria Ud. puede darse de baja desde la propia aplicación en el momento en que lo desee: <br />
http://listas.unizar.es/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/inageneral<br />
Saludos,<br />