[Inageneral] ImagineNano2020 Event - (Bilbao, Spain)
Raúl Mendoza
rmendoza en unizar.es
Jue Feb 6 10:53:28 CET 2020
IMAGINENANO2020 CONFERENCE <http://www.imaginenano.com/2020/index.php>
*ImagineNano 2020 *
Bilbao (Spain) will host the 5th edition of one of the largest European
Event in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, ImagineNano, at Bilbao Exhibition
Centre (BEC): *April 28-30, 2020*.
*One place, five conferences covering hot science trends*
One place, five conferences covering hot science trends
* *63 Keynote & Invited*speakers confirmed Check the full speakers
list here <http://www.imaginenano.com/2020/speakers.php>
* *Plenary Session*with Prof. *Uzi Landman* from Georgia Tech (USA)
* *20 Institutions already reserved their booth*. Do not miss the
chance of joining one of the largest European exhibition totally
dedicated to the nano World. More info
* *2 pavilions*confirmed at ImagineNano 2020: CSIC (Spanish National
Research Council) & BRTA (Basque Research & Technology Alliance).
* The abstract submission for *oral contribution* is open until
*February 11, 2020*. Submit your abstract here
3D Printing Spain 2020 – Beyond Nano
>From design to end product and from nano to macroscale, the three days
international conference (*3D Printing Spain 2020 – Beyond Nano*) aims
to cover all the aspects of the 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing
disrupting industry. More info
*graphIn*, 2-day workshop aims at presenting the current state of the
art and the opportunities of graphene-based materials and devices and
its industrial challenges and opportunities, focusing on the most recent
advances in technology developments and business opportunities in
graphene commercialization. More info
Image <http://www.imaginenano.com/2020/GraphIn2020.php>
NanoSpain 2020 <http://www.imaginenano.com/2020/nanospain2020.php>
Consolidated as a reference meeting of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
(N&N) in Spain, the conference *NanoSpain 2020* is not limited to a
conventional presentation of ideas or results, but seeks to deepen the
common themes among the participants, also serving as a link between
industry and researchers. More info
*3PM**conference* will cover the experimental and theoretical aspects of
light interaction with nanoscale objects and nanostructured materials,
focusing on dielectric materials tailored on the nanoscale, metallic
materials and magneto-optical materials. More info
Image <http://www.imaginenano.com/2020/PPM2020.php>
nanoComposites Conference
The International *nanoComposites Conference* (IC2) aims at presenting
the current state of the art and the opportunities of composite
nanomaterials and its industrial challenges and opportunities. More info
Industrial Forum <http://www.imaginenano.com/2020/IForum.php>
*Industrial Exhibition:*
Exceptional industrial exhibition showcasing cutting-edge advances on
nanotechnology research and development
NDUSTRIAL FORUMI <http://www.imaginenano.com/2020/IForum.php>
*Industrial Forum:***
A platform that brings together research managers and decision makers
from industry and academia across all sectors
BROKERAGE EVENT <http://www.imaginenano.com/2020/B2B.php>
*Brokerage Event:*
Focus on micro and nanotechnologies and their applications in various
industrial sectors.
Twitter <https://twitter.com/ImagineNano>
E-Mail <mailto:info en Imaginenano.com>
Web Site <http://www.imaginenano.com/2020/index.php>
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