[Inageneral] Seminario Dpto. FMC de la próxima semana - viernes 7 de Junio

Raúl Mendoza rmendoza en unizar.es
Jue Mayo 30 11:56:04 CEST 2019

En relación con los Seminarios del Departamento de Física de la Materia 
Condensada, os envio la información de la charla para la semana que 
viene y adjunto el cartel anunciador en pdf.

Muchas gracias y  un  saludo
Fernando y Jorge

*Título: *Flexoelectricity: from bent barium titanate to broken bones.

*Ponente: *Gustau Catalán (ICREA and Institut Català de Nanociència i 
Nanotecnologia (ICN2), Barcelona*)
**Lugar***:** Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias*
Fecha y hora:***Viernes 7 de Junio a las 12:30

*Resumen de la charla:*  Piezoelectric materials are characterized by 
their ability to generate an electrical polarization in response to a 
deformation. In some piezoelectrics, the sign of this electrical 
polarization can be switched by an external voltage; these are called 
ferroelectrics and have many practical uses, including ferroelectric 
Piezoelectric materials are rare, and ferroelectric materials are rarer 
still. In contrast, flexoelectricity is a universal property of all 
materials. Flexoelectricity couples electrical polarization not to 
strain but to strain gradients, and it can be found in virtually all 
non-metallic materials: from insulators to semiconductors, and from 
ceramics and polymers to bones. In addition, this property is not 
incompatible with piezoelectricity, and the combination of the two leads 
to new functionalities that do not exist on their own.
In this talk, after a general introduction to the main concepts of 
ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity, I will present 
recent and eye-catching results from our laboratory in the area of 
flexoelectricity. These will include the existence and consequences of 
flexoelectricity in semiconductors, the use of flexoelectricity to 
switch crack propagation with a voltage in ferroelectrics, and the role 
of flexoelectricity in the self-repair of our own bones.

*Resumen CV: *Prof. Catalan is an ICREA Research Professor at the 
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in Barcelona. 
Previously he worked at Cambridge, Groningen and Belfast –where he did 
his PhD. He is an expert in the physics of oxides at the nanoscale, with 
an emphasis on ferroelectrics and multiferroics. Some of his best known 
works concern the properties of domain walls (so-called domain wall 
nanoelectronics) and flexoelectricity. Flexoelectricity was the subject 
of the ERC grant with which he set up his specialized laboratory at 
ICN2, and will be the main topic of his talk.


Dr. Jorge Lobo Checa
e-mail:jorge.lobo en csic.es
ICMA - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (CSIC-UZ)
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza
C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
tel: +34 876 553353
Personal webpage:http://sagan.csic.es/web/en/directorio/lobo-checa-jorge

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