[Inageneral] Summer School Nicolás Cabrera
Raúl Mendoza
rmendoza en unizar.es
Mar Mayo 21 09:39:24 CEST 2019
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the XXVI International Summer School Nicolás
Cabrera, entitled “Driving the road towards room temperature
superconductivity with electronic interactions”, which will take place
in Miraflores de la Sierra, a small village in the mountains near Madrid
from 08th to 13th September 2019.
The International Summer School “Nicolás Cabrera” has been organized
since 1994 by the Nicolás Cabrera Institute of the Autonomous University
of Madrid. Since 2002, the school is organized in collaboration with the
BBVA Foundation (https://www.fbbva.es/en/), the main supporter of this
This year, the school will focus on the role of strong correlations for
high critical temperature superconductivity. We expect to be able to
provide scholarships to a large amount of young students, who will also
have the opportunity to present their work in a poster session.
Applications should be submitted before 20 May 2019.
More information can be found in
http://www.nicolascabrera.es/summer-school-2019/and by writing to
school.nicolascabrera en uam.es <mailto:school.nicolascabrera en uam.es>.
Looking forward to seeing you in Madrid
Leni Bascones
Isabel Guillamón
Hermann Suderow
Libre de virus. www.avast.com
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