[Inageneral] Seminario Dpto. FMC de la próxima semana - miércoles 20 de febrero

Raúl Mendoza rmendoza en unizar.es
Vie Feb 15 10:11:44 CET 2019

*Título:* Ordering phenomena and nanoscale functionalities in oxide 
films with controlled epitaxy

*Ponente: *Beatriz Noheda (Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials & 
Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials center (CogniGron), Univ. of 
Groningen (Holanda)

*Lugar: *Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias*
Fecha y hora ***(ATENCIÓN AL CAMBIO)*: *Miércoles 20 de febrero a las 12:30

*Resumen de la charla:*  The field of functional thin films has 
transformed in the past decade. This is due to the development of 
experimental techniques that allow synthesizing materials with atomic 
control, which eventually leads to atomically-defined interfaces, 
showing the way to much improved devices and, in some cases, to totally 
new device concepts. Here I will focus on the challenges related to the 
synthesis and characterization of ferroic thin films, particularly of 
oxide thin films, and the ordering phenomena responsible for their large 
and tunable electrical, mechanical or magnetic responses, which are 
directly linked to their ferroelectric, ferroelastic or magnetic nature. 
I will discuss the role of epitaxy on the atomic structure (strain 
engineering) but also on the microstructure and properties. I will 
illustrate this with examples of our own work on 
ferroelectric/piezoelectric PZT and BaTiO3, multiferroic TbMnO3 and 
BiFeO3 or our most recent work on the newly discovered (by the Namlab 
team in Dresden) nano-ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2. Finally, I will offer 
my vision about future directions in the field of (multi)ferroic oxides.

*Resumen CV: *Beatriz Noheda is Full Professor at the University of 
Groningen (The Netherlands) where she chairs the Nanostructures of 
Functional Oxides group, at the Zernike Institute for Advanced 
Materials. She got her PhD at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid and has 
worked in several renowned international Institutions (for example 
Brookhaven National Laboratory (New York) or Saarlandes University 
(Germany)) before settling in 2004 in Groningen.
Prof. Noheda holds important International recognition as she is Fellow 
of the American Physical Society and the Dutch Science Organization and 
founding director of the Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials 
center (CogniGron). She obtained prestigious awards like the Rosalind 
Franklin Fellowship and is author of more than 100 publications. *


Dr. Jorge Lobo Checa
e-mail:jorge.lobo en csic.es
ICMA - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (CSIC-UZ)
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza
C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
tel: +34 876 553353
Personal webpage:http://sagan.csic.es/web/en/directorio/lobo-checa-jorge


Dr. Jorge Lobo Checa
e-mail:jorge.lobo en csic.es
ICMA - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (CSIC-UZ)
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza
C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
tel: +34 876 553353
Personal webpage:http://sagan.csic.es/web/en/directorio/lobo-checa-jorge

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