[Gidid] Fwd: Planning for Fall Uncertainty

chaime chaime en unizar.es
Mie Mayo 20 21:50:25 CEST 2020

buenas noches

aquí te paso lo que me ha enviado José A. Bowen, de quien trabajamos su libro el año pasado.
espero que te sirva


> Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
> De: Jose Bowen <jazzbowen en gmail.com>
> Asunto: Planning for Fall Uncertainty
> Fecha: 20 de mayo de 2020, 21:10:27 CEST
> Para: Jose Bowen <jazzbowen en gmail.com>
> I’ve designed a set of virtual workshops and consulting sessions for both faculty and administrators.  
> Read about the ideas in InsideHigherEd: Is Higher Ed Asking the Wrong Questions? <https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2020/05/19/longer-term-questions-colleges-should-be-asking-response-pandemic-opinion> 
> For Faculty: Teaching 1/2 Naked: Preparing for Uncertainty
> How can you prepare to create the most significant learning experiences possible for students this fall, regardless of the mode? There are a few technical tricks, but mostly it is about setting up flexible communication channels, designing learning that motivates students, focusing on the most powerful experiences, and prioritizing your own efforts. 
> For Campus: Pandemic Innovation: Planning for Uncertainty
> With limited bandwidth and immediate needs for tactical solutions, we can focus too much on replacements and not enough on rethinking. Here are multiple workshops and processes to jump start more innovation in ways that will add distinctive value to your campus. 
> More info at http://teachingnaked.com <http://teachingnaked.com/>. Contact me directly for more information.
> I also have a new TED talk <https://www.ted.com/talks/jose_bowen_a_new_3rs_for_education> (from March, 2020) and a new book from Johns Hopkins University Press will be out in January.
> José
> ------------------------------------------------
> José Antonio Bowen,  PhD, FRSA
> Principal, Bowen Innovation Group  L.L.C.
> Senior Fellow, Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
> EMAIL: jazzbowen en gmail.com <mailto:jazzbowen en gmail.com>;  PHONE: 214-552-2304
> ADDRESS: 6622 Saint Anne St. Dallas, TX 75248
> WEB: www.josebowen.com <http://www.josebowen.com/>; www.teachingnaked.com <http://www.teachingnaked.com/>
> Author of Teaching Naked, winner of the 2013 Ness Award for Best Book on Higher Education from the Association of American Colleges and Universities, and Teaching Naked Techniques (2017).

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