<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><p class="MsoNormal">The Lust of the Flesh 2024 05 03<span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span> </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Many interesting aspects. Each interprets the picture and
tries to place her or his individual mental construct into a web of contexts
that is individual in her or his brain.<span></span></p>
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<li class="MsoNormal"><b>Recurrent<span></span></b></li>
<p class="MsoNormal">We still somehow know that we are talking about the same
general idea. I liked Josef’s remark very much, that the blob-whatever is a
product of change and represents the change as such, in its circular form. (We can
give names only to things we can recognize. We can recognize a thing only if it
is predictable in its properties. Being involved in a continuously changing
environment, periodic changes bring forth occurrences that are predictable.
Wittgenstein should have elaborated on what appearances our ancestors have
encountered and given a name consistently to: these must have been recurrent,
periodic appearances. /cf Augustinus: Confessiones, about how we learn to
connect words to ideas./)<span></span></p>
<ol style="margin-top:0cm" start="2" type="1">
<li class="MsoNormal"><b>Magic words: optimal
<p class="MsoNormal">Josef’s other interjection, namely that cross-references can
and do go awry, become inexact and useless, if not a disturbance. The Fis group
was assembled with its first and most specific question being: how the
information transfer procedure does actually function, between sequenced and
commutative forms of describing the same logical entity, as observed in the
case DNA – organism. Ever since, the common understanding was that genetics has
a place in Fis.<span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The happy circumstances with genetics are that it runs only
in ideal circumstances, within a specific optimal range. A few glasses of beer or
an emotional crisis can upset the prerequisites of the continued transfer of
genetic information, and the subsequent steps do not take place; the path
towards a healthy birth can be left quite easily. The process must take place <b>in ideal circumstances </b>to function, from
the beginning till the end. <span></span></p>
<ol style="margin-top:0cm" start="3" type="1">
<li class="MsoNormal"><b>Hunting for tautologies<span></span></b></li>
<p class="MsoNormal">We have two sets of logical statements. One deals with sequences of
relatively few logical markers. The other deals with combinations of composites
of up to 118 types of logical archetypes (chemical elements), which are rather
more than 4, and some elements of the collection can appear contemporaneous,
and types of contemporaneous collections will follow each other in cycles
within periodic processes. Both sets of logical statements are complicated
enough, each on its own. Now you say, this will not work. It is obvious that
such a self-referencing system of loops, limits, thresholds, ranges, etc. when
synchronized with its sequential twin, will bring forth unresolved references
and null pointers galore. <span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The point does not address the central assertion: <b>there
is a way to formalize the tautology depicting relations between sequences of 3
turns, 4 tokens and combinatorial variants of assemblies of parts with known
<p class="MsoNormal">No one states that the rules of genetics apply everywhere. Genetics is
a freaky conjurer trick which works only if: 1. The assembly is ideally
constructed, 2. It behaves according to what we believe is logic and
rationality, 3. Its states can be represented by states of a finite automaton,
4. External circumstances remain in their optimal ranges, 5. There is a surplus
of everything necessary (you continue the list). To repeat: we use the magic
word: <b>ideal circumstances </b>to wish away all improbabilities,
inexactitudes, restrictions, etc. which in effect say: this is a reason that
the transfer of genetic information will not be pictured {understandably,
correctly, consistently, etc.}. We say, okay, these are fine reasons that the
linkage between sequences and qualitative states is impossible to establish in
the form of a tautology. Now help me to find the way to portrait the
proceedings of genetics in which it is self-evident that it matters and makes a
difference, which of 4 tokens sits on which of 3 places. Nature does the trick,
and some of learned colleagues in the wet parts of biology can perform the
miracles in practice, which we are debating the possibility of, in our learned
society. <span></span></p>
<ol style="margin-top:0cm" start="4" type="1">
<li class="MsoNormal"><b>Progress made<span></span></b></li>
<p class="MsoNormal">So far, it appears that<span></span></p>
<ol style="margin-top:0cm" start="1" type="1">
<li class="MsoNormal">Nature maintains order and consistency by
keeping the spatial and qualitative attributes of members of a collection
coordinated during periodic changes.<span></span></li>
<li class="MsoNormal">The DNA transmits <b>geometric </b>properties,
not <b>material </b>properties of the element to be assigned.<span></span></li>
<li class="MsoNormal">Periodic changes create
their own geometry, irrespective of the specific type of the change.<span></span></li>
<li class="MsoNormal">This geometry consists of
two Euclid spaces, transcended by two planes.<span></span></li>
<li class="MsoNormal">There exists a corollary,
implication of the existence of a 3<sup>rd</sup> rectangular space, named
Newton space, which is an intersection/integration of the two Euclid
<li class="MsoNormal">The whole system turns in
3 phases.<span></span></li>
<li class="MsoNormal">The role of the DNA is to point
out which of the possible 4 subspaces in Euclid notation are meant to be
prevalent in the common Newton space.<span></span></li>
<p class="MsoNormal">As to the material content that is in transport in these
spaces, the current strategy is to concentrate on maintaining a consistent metronome,
which is synchronizing the assembly’s cycles. The <i>metronome cycle in: [a+b,d-(a+b)] </i><i>↔ [2a-3b,2b-3a]
</i>is <i>129 </i>units long, together with
its twin, the <i>folding cycle in: [d-(a+b),a+b] </i><i>↔ [2a-3b,2b-3a]
</i>which is <i>128 </i>long, appear to be
custom-made. I’d love to bet 100 € that the iterations of the DNA have to do
with <i>128, 129</i>. <span></span></p>
<ol style="margin-top:0cm" start="5" type="1">
<li class="MsoNormal"><b>Mendel, again<span></span></b></li>
<p class="MsoNormal">Imagine what a nuisance Mendel could have made of himself by saying:<span></span></p>
<ol style="margin-top:0cm" start="1" type="1">
<li class="MsoNormal">Imagine the world as a Pythagorean
construct of related (numeric) truths.<span></span></li>
<li class="MsoNormal">Genetics is mechanics, nothing divine or
metaphysical in it.<span></span></li>
<li class="MsoNormal">The cogs and the wheels produce relations
…, 3 : 1, ….<span></span></li>
<li class="MsoNormal">Get a grip on what is a cog and what is a
<li class="MsoNormal">Why don’t you use ideas like genome,
chromosome, triplet, strand, etc. for fabricating concepts about the tools
needed to do the transformation of properties in generation F1 into
specimen of generation F2.<span></span></li>
<p class="MsoNormal">What do you think, at which step has the audience lost Mendel? Which
step was Mendel unable to convey to his contemporaries? <span></span></p>
<ol style="margin-top:0cm" start="6" type="1">
<li class="MsoNormal"><b>Have properties, will
<p class="MsoNormal">Like Mendel had developed the concept of an idea of a construct but
could not tell it clearly enough (the construct being a specific chemical in a
specific spatial assembly, sitting on a specific place), we also propose a
wonder-thing which is necessary for the automatism of inheriting properties.
The concepts we need have, similarly, properties new to current thinking.<span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The logical primitives wander in their habitat, obeying periodic
changes. Like Kant has peeled off particularities of a thing, until the thing
as such remained, we also peel off contexts until we find the Unit Without
Qualities (Musil), which is ready to be a part of a convenient cycle, if the neighbors
are <i>comme il faut</i> and the general level of the participants is accommodating.<span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The similarity between the thing
as such and the unit without qualities is that both are less endowed with
properties as their co-concepts which are connected to a context. The
difference between both is, that the opaque characteristics of the unit without
qualities are the result of a non-decision, <b>which groups it can join. </b>Every proband has
some strong talents. The task is to find that socio-economical-emotional
context in which the subject can achieve and generate endorphins. The unit is
one of our <i>136 </i>logical primitives, built up from <i>a, b</i>. It has a
range of being utilized in relations. Like a Lego stone, the Unit Without
Qualities has different forms and appearances. It is to be found on any of the
places of the <i>46.260 </i>catalogued cycles; the indecision is about, which
of the reorders is the case. In dependence of what is the current situation in
periodic changes, the unit can make use of none, some or all of the potential
properties it possesses, by being ready to leave/join a cycle.<span></span></p>
<ol style="margin-top:0cm" start="7" type="1">
<li class="MsoNormal"><b>Lust drives everything
<p class="MsoNormal">The complicated interplay in biology is an optimization exercise. The
extent to be optimized is the number of hits among all hits and misses. The
match between a prediction (expectation) and a realization (observation)
creates one unit of Freud. Predictions are relatively easy to generate in a
habitat that undergoes periodic changes. Those on whom evolution smiles, will
learn to anticipate the expectations.<span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The predecessor state of a finite automaton was the basis of
expectations which the current state matches or not. The current state is the
basis for expectations regarding the successor state. This generates a Peano
kind of threesomes, which are one reason more to imagine the habitat of the
logical primitives to be turning in three phases. <span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The idea is to imagine more such mental tools which are needed to
connect the sequence of the DNA to the properties of the unfolded organism. Lust
as a concept of inner consistency which has a value and originates from the
successor being indeed the expected successor at the next beat of the metronome,
may be as alien to the present thinking of the learned friends as was the un-understandable
stuttering of Mendel to his contemporaries, about numbers that have a meaning
above garden peas. <span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The cycle of actions (sequence of steps/slices/snapshots) appears to be
fueled by a mysterious <i>esprit </i>of Creation, or, rather more prosaic, by
an annihilation of alternatives (=spending of energy) which translates into
spatial dilatation. To live means in this approach spending realities by
exchanging (consuming) the alternatives of being otherwise into being in a
defined relation. Relations as such are empty. The empty relations appear to us
as distances in space. We have not found yet the simple terms of exchange of
matter into relations, but there is one, and people will find it. (Studying <i><a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://oeis.org/A242615__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!Wl9AlhXWYL78zIJqGs5c-N1nl6KSTt_d9MZB1V5vf2v1lV2JhrT-LfigfR25wawAYY7HIVsR_3Pt_-h_NDOhbjnluyA$">oeis.org/A242615</a>
</i>could be fruitful.) By consuming its core content, the Universe generates
relations, which are net zero in material, and appear as purely space-related
facts (expanding). By consuming air, nutrients and water, the organism
exchanges matter properties into relational properties, among them, spatial
ones. This is basically a Ponzi scheme and will inevitably result in a
breakdown, death. <span></span></p>
<ol style="margin-top:0cm" start="8" type="1">
<li class="MsoNormal">Closing remarks<span></span></li>
<p class="MsoNormal">Sorry for being a few paragraphs above 3 pages A4. The aim was to
congratulate the learned friends on working with a model that contrasts
cross-sections with sequences. The sequence of momentary emotions will cause a
proto-organism to take action, by moving in the model, by other forms of consequence
in biologic reality. <span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The process is sustainable if the sequence of (emotional) states is a
cycle (repeating). This is the case with all living things. The process can be
simulated. <span></span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span> </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Karl<span></span></p></div></div>