<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">Hi Kate,<span></span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">Explications 1 to liaison 2024 04 25<span></span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">Thank you for reading my
contributions, and apparently attentively.<span></span></span></p>

<p style="margin-left:36pt;background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">1.<span style="font-variant-numeric:normal;font-variant-east-asian:normal;font-variant-alternates:normal;font-kerning:auto;font-feature-settings:normal;font-stretch:normal;font-size:7pt;line-height:normal;font-family:"Times New Roman"">      
</span></span><i><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">What
are the few “relevant tautologies” within the “value bundle”?<span></span></span></i></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">The value bundle goes back to one of
the co-actors in the Great (Basic) Discongruence. The Basic Discongruence
(depicted in <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://oeis.org/A242615__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UnN9ArfvPHt_bYxIZ3imUewBURV1Irot2-FJ6-OqSFDIlT6faHC6Z2zBAvlQ5zWuIvNVuaTBtx6jJzRmVedE1Fy4kEc$">oeis.org/A242615</a>) is a discongruence that is basic, namely that
there are more sequences than mixtures, both made up of <i>n </i>units, if the number <i>n <
32 | n > 97.</i> The discongruence
is in the order of magnitude of some 3.2E-92 %. The peak deviation between <i>n!
↔ n? </i>is near <i>n</i> <i>~ 66. <span></span></i></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">The
definition of n? being <i>n? = exp(ln(part(n))²) </i>or <i>n? = part(n)<sup>ln
(part(n))</sup>, </i>the numeric extent of the number of independent dimensions
in which the assembly can be categorized into is <i>ln(part(n))</i>.<i>  </i>Part(n) refers to the number of partitions
of n, <a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://oeis.org/A000041__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UnN9ArfvPHt_bYxIZ3imUewBURV1Irot2-FJ6-OqSFDIlT6faHC6Z2zBAvlQ5zWuIvNVuaTBtx6jJzRmVedEHlWnoso$">oeis.org/A000041</a>.<i> Ln(part(n)) is for n ~ 66 </i>near <i>14,56. </i>Thence
the 15.<span></span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">Semantic: Conducting test campaigns on a universe of 66
students, one will notice that the sequence of the administration of tests is
of a huge relevance for the discriminatory selection power of the tests. If
test 1 is <i>month of birth</i>, we expect 12 groups with groups strengths
of 66/12. If the next test is <i>weekday-of-birth</i>, we expect 66/7 to be the next group size. <span></span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">If we catch a Tuesday person, we do
not know whether he had been caught as a February person already, in which case
we would doubly count the same person. One has to discount for the probability
that the unit that is caught by test <i>i </i>had been already counted by a
test <i>j</i>.</span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">Different example: Human resources of
a large corporation seeks candidates for a special mission. It filters the
database of employees for {being available, physically robust, between 30 and
40 years of age, have a degree in Origami, speak Mongolian}. These 5 tests can
be given in any sequence if we don’t care about efficiency. Whichever the sequence,
conducting additional tests will result in finding Zero new – previously caught
– records in the database, because previous tests have already turned up an
increasing proportion of candidates.<span></span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">The examples shall help to understand
the general mantra: <b>About an assembly of
a limited size, only a limited number of distinct logical sentences can be

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">This upper limit number is reached by
two different paths: by sentences that state that elements have something in
common, and by sentences that state the elements are different to each other.
The latter uses similar places as background and counts the possible variants
of differences between elements’ places. This is called sorting (sequencing)
and yields permutations, of which the maximal number <i>f(n) = n!<span></span></i></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">Counting groups of elements, we have
the similarities of the symbols shared among the members of a group, in the
foreground of our attention. The differences remain in the background. The
background and the foreground are additive. In how many groups we delineate the
universe, and which of the groups we declare foreground, is irrelevant. What
remains that we have a partition of <i>n </i>into <i>k </i>summands.<span></span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">There is an identity in test theory
about the number of tests that can be validated on a universe of <i>n</i> probands
being the same as the number of groups the <i>n </i>probands can build. The
information content lies in which of equally many pictures one assigns to which
of equally many objects. The content is obviously quadratic on the number of
partitions on <i>n</i>. This brings forth <i>n? = exp(ln(part(n))<sup>2</sup>).

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">The Great Discongruence comes from <i>f<sup>-1</sup>(x)
</i>pointing to slightly different <i>n </i>if the <i>f<sup>-1</sup>(n!, n?) </i>are
compared. <span></span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">As to the relevant tautologies, which
are in everyday life few: The etalon collection instructions of use foresee
presently 9 properties of <i>a, b </i>to be relevant. This is already much less
than the 14 or 15 possible. Among the 9 properties, <i>a, b, b-a, b-2a, a-2b </i>are
‘primitive, low-level’ properties, as they do not use <i>c, 2b-3a, 2a-3b, d-c </i>which
require addition or at least a 3<sup>rd</sup> instance of an argument. In fact,
animals appear to assemble their mental cartography based on the lower 5, a
very simple but robust orientational tool achievable without doing additions or
counting above 2. <span></span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">The higher four cooperate in creating
geometries and a wonderwork of Nature, the metronome cycle, which is
concurrently the folding cycle. This reorder [c,d-c ↔ 2a-3b,2b-3a] is a cycle
129 resp 128 members long and appears to be a fundamental ordering principle,
used specifically in the DNA translation business.<span></span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">It is my sorry duty to remind the
learned friends that sorting and grouping are faculties that the human child
learns before going to school. The regions of the brain that manage sorting and
grouping are as uneducated in mathematics as the regions that manage
calligraphy, rhetoric, or dancing. It is unfortunately necessary to do some
self-education until one has a solid entry into the world of cycles and
liaisons, and information. The simplest didactic exercise has been suggested to
the learned friends: take 12 books, sort them on your table in [author, title].
Then resort the books into [title, author]. Please observe the instances where
a book pushes away a book from its place. Note the names of the books that
generate a cycle.<span></span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif">It is not too late yet to do the 12
books initiation ritual. Without it, it appears doubtful whether the learned
friends can make hands and feet of the present contribution.<span></span></span></p>

<p style="margin-left:36pt;background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><i><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">2. expand on distance and “asynchronicity” , opportunity,
attraction, force, potential, energy… ground this is direct human experience</span></i><i><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span></span></span></i></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">Please read the definition of information in </span><span style="color:black"><a href="https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.foibg.com/ijita/vol29/ijita29-01-p02.pdf__;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!UnN9ArfvPHt_bYxIZ3imUewBURV1Irot2-FJ6-OqSFDIlT6faHC6Z2zBAvlQ5zWuIvNVuaTBtx6jJzRmVedEutyqESo$">ijita29-01-p02.pdf
(foibg.com)</a> p. 85ff. There, information is defined as based in <i>(∑b - ∑a)/run, </i>where <i>run = ∑ dist, </i>where <i>dist </i>is
the distance between two consecutive members of a cycle on a Descartes plane.
Cycles have an interpretation in the world made up of interval scales (Euclid,
Descartes, rigid axes, units equally distanced), too. Human experience: the
extent of <i>més- </i>in a <i>mésalliance </i>has as a part the necessary
efforts to travel to the in-laws. The farther the in-laws live the less (more?)
happiness in the marriage, depending on culture.</span><span></span></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="color:black">Two
cycles have a temporal relation, too. If cycles A, B have equally many members,
the asynchronicity appears as offset variants. We do not know, which is the 1<sup>st</sup>
element of a cycle. The etalon collection has such markings on the elements,
caused by the grammar of the sequence of arguments, according to which the
cycles are generated. Artificial cycles can have agreed-on first elements. Genetic
shows lots of offset variants. </span><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">If cycles A, B have differently many
elements, there is a cicada breed type asynchronicity present. Different plants
flower at different seasons. Some life phases overlap in the course of the
year. The lunar months wander along the solar years. Portions of cycles can be
concurrent, with their own offset patterns. Partner A wants weekly meetings,
partner B every fortnight. The build-up of tensions which partly result in
misses and partly in hits, is a predictable pattern. These are implications of
the two cycles being different. The overall name for implications of two cycles
being different is: information. There is a numeric Unit proposed for the
construct, based on differences of cycles 3, 6 of [ab-ba] of Cohort 16.<span></span></span></p>

<p style="margin-left:36pt;background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><i><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">3)<span style="font-stretch:normal">.. agree … interplay of chemistry and
electromagnetism at various levels of spatiotemporal scale… transcending
mind~body dualism.</span></span></i><i><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span></span></span></i></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">Wittgenstein said: … thing is the totality of its possibilities
of being related. So, we have a fraction of a thing per a given number of
logical relations. It is the logical relations that condense into things. The
Great Discongruence shows the translation keys. It is a hairy business, because
the relations are <i>(=, <, =, >, =, <,
<<) </i>at values of <i>n (1, 11, 32, 66,
97, 135, 140). </i>How many additional almost-objects are welcome, with which
properties, depends on how many are already condensed into a state we call ‘object’
and how similar and diverse these that already exist, are. <span></span></span></p>

<p style="margin-left:36pt;background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><i><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">4)<span style="font-stretch:normal"></span></span></i><i><span style="font-size:7pt"> …</span></i><i><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif"> homunculus (or AI) … my 4-steps: comparison,
signal, corrective response, learning…  dynamical systems, read and evaluate in real
time. <span></span></span></i></p>

<p style="background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">Full in agreement.<span></span></span></p>

<p style="text-indent:36pt;background-image:initial;background-position:initial;background-size:initial;background-repeat:initial;background-origin:initial;background-clip:initial"><i><span style="font-family:Aptos,sans-serif">We are much more
than predictions machines</span></i><i><span style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif"><span></span></span></i></p>

<p class="MsoNormal">Based on what one learns in 42 years of direct client
contact, we are lust optimization machines. Lust as a cybernetic motivator has its
intricacies. The whole system of psychology is nebbich embedded in physiology
and neurology, which in their optimal form are zero-sum games. One sees a stream
of persons who have tried by all conceivable means to super-optimize lust
production, notwithstanding the costs, until the costs grew too large. There is
an economy to a pleasant life, with uncountable variants. Your Zen is your Zen.
It optimizes something in your system. That what the central nervous system
optimizes the production of is called lust. It has many material and relational
forms and variants. We are production machines, and the production of
predictions is the first step towards a hit in a hit and miss process the
embryo begins.<span></span></p></div></div>