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Dear FIS Colleagues, <br>
And herewith the second part, corresponding to a new FIS colleague,
<b>Eric Werner</b>, one of the pioneers in computer science,
artificial intelligence, and distributed cognition. <br>
The original file of the contribution is also attached (a pdf in a
high quality format). The regular text below is needed for our
archives, as the attachments are often scrubbed by the server.<br>
Discussants remember please the limit of three weekly messages,
except the two presenters (unlimited responses). <br>
<p>So, we have two pioneers of artificial intelligence, Yixin and
Eric, pointing in very different but fundamental and complementary
directions... let us enjoy the discussion!!<br>
All the best--Pedro<br>
<font size="+2">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font><br>
<font size="+2"><b>Social Information in</b><b><br>
</b><b>Artificial Social Intelligence</b><br>
Social information can make Large Language Models<br>
and Large Behavioral Models cooperative<br>
<p><b>The Minimal Social Brain</b></p>
What would a minimal model of an agent's neural network-mind-brain
such as<br>
human be like? What are its minimal characteristics? What is the
global architecture?<br>
How would we map the agent's neural network to our abstract model?
What is the<br>
minimal complexity of the architecture that captures the essence of
what it is to be an<br>
intelligent agent in the world?<br>
Can a purely linguistic interaction between a human and a
(computational device) capture the mental capacities, the network,
the network state<br>
and information states of the human agent's brain?<br>
<p><b>Short history of communication theory</b></p>
There is an inherent entropy (ambiguity) in the semantics and
pragmatics of any<br>
linguistic sentence. Hence, a purely linguistic interaction would
inevitably generate an<br>
entropic model of the agent's brain-network. However, the model may
be functionally<br>
equivalent to the agent's brain-network in many situations of use.
notion of meaning as use (see 'Blue and Brown Books', 'Philosophical
(Wittgenstein 1958)is relevant here since it suggests functional
equivalence is<br>
sufficient for human communication.<br>
John von Neumann mathematical theory of games suggests that there is
minimal architecture for agents in games and, more generally, in the
economic world<br>
(von Neumann J. 1947). In (Werner 2023 forthcoming) I investigate
the logic of<br>
information in games, specifically the logic of information states
in agents and how<br>
they evolve in time. Later I extended that work to investigate the
logic of intentions<br>
and social action in agents with limited information about their
world. This extended<br>
von Neumann's concept of information-set to include agent strategic
states (that give<br>
a model of the agent's intentional states). This permitted the
formalization and<br>
understanding of multi-agent cooperation by way of interacting
intentional states of<br>
agents(Werner 1988).<br>
Wittgenstein realized the inadequacy of a purely information based
theory of<br>
language and meaning. In his Philosophical
Investigations(Wittgenstein 1958) and the<br>
Blue and Brown Books(Wittgenstein 1958) he viewed meaning a given by
use, such as<br>
in a language game. Searle followed with his work on speech acts.
Later Habermas<br>
(Habermas 2015, Habermas 2015) used these concepts for his work on
communication. However, all of these theories of language and social
action were<br>
based on informal vague notions of meaning (semantics and
pragmatics). Chomsky<br>
theories of syntax were just that with no semantics, no pragmatics,
no theory of<br>
In (Werner 1999) (Werner 1991) (Werner 1996) (Werner 1988) I
information-based communication theory going beyond (Shannon 1949),
Neumann J. 1947), logical foundationalism (e.g., (Whitehead and
Russell 1950) early<br>
Wittgenstein’s Tractatus (Wittgenstein 1969) to include
communication and cooperation theory. On my view communication
linguistic intentional states formalized as linguistic strategic
states linked to the world<br>
via semantics and pragmatic meaning.<br>
Moreover, I showed the intimate relationship between states of
information and<br>
what an agent can do and what the agent can intend in a complex
social world of<br>
other agents(Werner 1991). This work unified the logics of
information (world-stateinformation),<br>
intention (strategic information) and ability (the logic of can and
ability). Add to that von Neumann's formalization of utility and you
get the<br>
foundational bedrock of the minimal architecture of mental states of
social agents whether they be human, animal or robotic.<br>
How does this relate to artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT,
general AI (GAI)<br>
and autonomous robots (self driving cars, social robots, ethical
<p><b>The social brain</b></p>
How is the architecture of social agents and social information
relate to the<br>
architecture of the human brain, the connectome, cerebral cortex,
visual cortex,<br>
Wernicke area, Broca area, and the cerebellum?<br>
Where is social information and intentional capacity located in the
human brain?<br>
<p><b>The architecture of a social brain</b></p>
I would like to discuss the overall architecture of the social brain
. The<br>
fundamental question is: What makes a society possible at all? What
is the minimal<br>
architecture of the brain to enable an agent to be social?<br>
Communication by language is obviously central, but it requires
more. It requires<br>
a particular mental capability, and the parts of the agents that
have social capacities.<br>
The capacity of the social brain is the ability to represent
intentions, not only the<br>
intentions of self, but the intentions of others. Through the
interaction of the<br>
representation of intentions of others, and the representation of
intentions of the self,<br>
it makes coordination and cooperation possible.<br>
Intentions can be about actions, but they can also be about
linguistic actions.<br>
Coordinated speech is one of the fundamental processes for achieving
intentions for multi-agent intentional states. Intentional states
are fundamentally<br>
different than knowledge about the world which we call information
Intentional states require informational states because the agent
needs to know about<br>
the world in order to be able to act. The agents abilities are
direct result of the<br>
information the agent has about the world.<br>
The less information that the agent has about the world, the fewer
the things<br>
that the agent can do. Thus the logic of ability is directly related
to the logic of<br>
information. The logic of ability underpins the logic of intention.<br>
<p><b>Information, Intention and Utility</b></p>
There is one more component and that is value or utility. Utility
drives the<br>
formation of intentions of the agent. Therefore, to get a minimal
social agent we need<br>
at least three components: Intention S, information I, and utility
or value (Werner<br>
I called is three components, the Representational Capacity of the
R = ( S, I, V ).<br>
A fourth element may be called planning and logical inference i.e.,
It may be that each one of these components ( S, I, V, PL ) will
require different<br>
types of training for a ChatGPT-like Large Language Model (LLM) or
Large Behavior<br>
Model (LBM).<br>
They correspond to different areas of the human brain (e.g., the
visual cortex,<br>
Wernicke area (language and visual understanding), Broca area
(speech generation),<br>
and more, of course. The connectome located in the White Matter of
the brain links<br>
the different areas. Its role is fundamental for brain coordinated
(Geschwind 1974). For a nice overview of the connectome research see
Sandrone et al. 2015)<br>
<p><b>Artificial Social Intelligence</b></p>
Social information is different than information about the state of
the world.<br>
Intentional strategic states are implemented through social
representations. The whole system of human, linguistic communication
is an example<br>
of functional social information exchange. An intentional state is
the prime example<br>
of social information.<br>
<p><b>The social genome and the social brain</b></p>
We can view the genome as a social structure, which contains both
the two<br>
parental genomes. There's an interaction between the parental
genomes, by means of<br>
a protocol, a meta-protocol that determines which genome is in
control at which time<br>
in the development of the embryo. This enables the development of
the brain to also<br>
reflect both of the parents and their social capacities. It explains
the fact that the<br>
thinking of different children, maybe reflect that a one parent or
that of another at<br>
different stages of development. The brain is sectioned into
different areas that<br>
reflect the control of one parents genome or that of the other just
as the body is<br>
sectioned into different areas as it is being controlled by one
parental genome or the<br>
other parental genome.<br>
<p><b>Social Information</b></p>
Thus, the very development of the brain is controlled by social
processes see my “Brain meta genomics: Genome mind mapping:<br>
Network protocols partition the developing brain” (Werner 2023).<br>
The social information is embedded at all levels of the human body.
It is<br>
fundamental to the interaction between parental genomes. It is
embedded at the level<br>
of cell interactions, through cell-cell communication. It is
embedded in the brain in<br>
different areas of the brain that specialize in various processes.
Many areas of the<br>
brain process social information such as intentions and values,
utilities or emotions.<br>
Entire communication system of the brain from output to input from
generation to speech understanding is fundamentally a social
information processing<br>
system. The human brain is fundamentally social in nature.<br>
If we are going to create cooperative LLMs or LBMs then their
architecture has<br>
to reflect the architecture of the human social brain. These
artificial intelligent social<br>
systems, will have to process social information much like human
brains process<br>
social information.<br>
Catani, M., S. Sandrone and A. Vesalius (2015). Brain renaissance :
from Vesalius to<br>
contemporary neuroscience. New York, NY, Oxford University Press New
York, NY.<br>
Geschwind, N. (1974). Selected Papers on Language and the Brain.
Dordrecht, Springer<br>
Netherlands Dordrecht.<br>
Habermas, J. ê. (2015). The theory of communicative action : 1.
Reason and the<br>
rationalization of society. [Place of publication not identified],
Polity Press [Place of<br>
publication not identified].<br>
Habermas, J. ê. (2015). The theory of communicative action : 2.
Lifeworld and systems, a<br>
critique of functionalist reason. [Place of publication not
identified], Polity Press [Place of<br>
publication not identified].<br>
Shannon, C., Weaver, W. (1949). The Mathematical Theory of
Communication. Urbana,<br>
University of Illinois Press.<br>
von Neumann J., M. O. (1947). The Theory of Games and Economic
Behavior. Princeton, NJ,<br>
Princeton University Press.<br>
Werner, E. (1988). "Toward a theory of communication and cooperation
for multiagent<br>
planning." Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Knowledge:
Proceedings of the Second<br>
Conference: 129-143.<br>
Werner, E. (1991). A Unified View of Information, Intention and
Ability. Decentralized AI. Y. M.<br>
Demazeau, J.P., Elsevier Science Publishers. 2.<br>
Werner, E. (1996). Logical foundations of distributed artificial
intelligence. Foundations of<br>
Distributed Artificial Intelligence. G. O'Hare, and N. Jennings,
Werner, E. (1999). The Ontogeny of the Social Self. Towards a Formal
Computational Theory.<br>
Human Cognition and Social Agent Technology. K. Dautenhahn, John
Benjamins: 263-300.<br>
Werner, E. (2023). Brain meta genomics Genome mind mapping: Network
protocols partition<br>
the developing brain. Internet of Life. To be publshed.<br>
Whitehead, A. N. and B. Russell (1950). Principia mathematica.
Cambridge, Cambridge<br>
University Press Cambridge.<br>
Wittgenstein, L. (1958). The Blue and Brown Books. Oxford,
Wittgenstein, L. (1958). Philosophical Investigations. Oxford,
Wittgenstein, L. (1969). Schriften. 1 : Tractatus logico-
philosophicus, Tagebücher<br>
1914-1916, Philosophische Untersuchungen.<br>
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Name="Table Grid 8"/>
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Name="Table List 1"/>
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Name="Table List 2"/>
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Name="Table List 3"/>
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Name="Table List 4"/>
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Name="Table List 5"/>
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Name="Table List 6"/>
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Name="Table List 7"/>
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Name="Table List 8"/>
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Name="Table 3D effects 1"/>
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Name="Table 3D effects 2"/>
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Name="Table 3D effects 3"/>
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Name="Table Contemporary"/>
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Name="Table Elegant"/>
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Name="Table Professional"/>
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Name="Table Subtle 1"/>
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Name="Table Subtle 2"/>
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Name="Table Web 1"/>
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Name="Table Web 2"/>
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Name="Table Web 3"/>
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Name="Balloon Text"/>
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Name="Table Theme"/>
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Name="List Paragraph"/>
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Name="Intense Quote"/>
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Name="Subtle Emphasis"/>
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Name="Intense Emphasis"/>
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 1"/>
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 1"/>
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Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 1"/>
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 2"/>
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 2"/>
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Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"/>
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 3"/>
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"/>
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Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 3"/>
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 4"/>
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 4"/>
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Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 4"/>
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 5"/>
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 5"/>
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Name="Grid Table 7 Colorful Accent 5"/>
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Name="Grid Table 1 Light Accent 6"/>
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Name="Grid Table 6 Colorful Accent 6"/>
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 1"/>
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 1"/>
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 1"/>
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 2"/>
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 2"/>
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 2"/>
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Name="List Table 1 Light Accent 3"/>
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 3"/>
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Name="List Table 6 Colorful Accent 6"/>
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Name="List Table 7 Colorful Accent 6"/>
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Name="Smart Hyperlink"/>
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