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<p>Dear FIS Colleagues, <br>
<p>In the middle of this August, the Fourth IS4SI Conference took
place in Beijing. Its focus was on “Paradigm Change in the
Information Discipline”. It was a very interesting venue, with
close to 200 participants in person and online (mostly
Chinese--not many from abroad). Our colleague Yixin Zhong was the
main organizer; he presented a couple of challenging works on
paradigm change in AI as well as in the whole Information Science.
Indeed they deserve careful discussion and probably we will have
the opportunity soon, for I am trying to arrange a FIS session on
AI both on the conceptual side and on the social impact. My role
as co-chair of IS4SI for this conference was centered in the
exploratory works for an International Academy of Information
Studies. It is an attempt to attract and articulate more
permanently the best minds —the world avant-garde of scholars and
researchers— of the related information fields.<span
style="font-size:12.0pt;line-height:115%" lang="EN-US"> </span><span
style="font-size: 12.0pt;line-height:115%"></span>The ongoing
works were presented--provisionally, for the Academy is not public
yet. Indeed more and more scholars and researchers are convening
on the importance of the unsolved conundrums around information, a
pitfall of our collective knowledge system. Can we be optimistic
that the "paradigm change" is taking place??<br>
<p>I hope more news will follow soon. <br>
<p>Best regards to all,</p>
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