[Extranjeros.doctorado] ISA's Introduction Week to foreign students

Escuela de Doctorado secredocto en unizar.es
Jue Sep 5 12:43:57 CEST 2024

Dear student,

We are writing to you from the non-profit youth association ISA Zaragoza 
to invite you to the introduction week we have organized from the 2th to 
the 8th of September.

We would like to help you in your transition to our city, so local 
volunteers organize activities and trips for you to meet people, 
practice Spanish and learn more about Zaragoza, Aragon and our Spanish 

We have a Whatsapp group which you can access through this link:

And you can follow us on instagram to check our previous activities: 

If you have any questions, write to us! isazaragozamedia en gmail.com

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