[Exalgeolog] oferta tesis en Almería
Luis Eduardo Arlegui Crespo
arlegui en unizar.es
Lun Ene 9 10:47:56 CET 2023
Feliz 2023!
Quien sea soci@ de la SGE habrá recibido ya lo oferta, pero por si acaso:
PhD position on quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions from gypsum
deposits of caves and lakes Department of Biology and Geology. University
of Almería, Spain.
Project description: The GYPCLIMATE project aims to quantify climate
changes during the Holocene and the Upper Pleistocene in the southern
Iberian Peninsula and the central Mediterranean, from the geochemistry of
gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) deposits of lakes and
caves. We will apply cutting-edge analytical methods, including triple
oxygen and hydrogen isotopes (17O, 18O and D) of gypsum crystallization
water, micro-thermometry of fluid inclusion and U-Th dating of lacustrine
gypsum and cave gypsum deposits from Andalusia and Sicily. The quantitative
paleoclimate series will be applied to improve the current Global Climate
Models and to reduce the uncertainties in the predictions of the Climate
Changes in
the Mediterranean region. In addition, quantifications of the magnitude of
past climate changes will permit to unearth evidence for the potential
connections between climate changes and the fate of the numerous
civilizations that occupied these regions during the
Holocene and the Upper Pleistocene.
Education: You have a master in Environmental sciences, Earth sciences or
You are passionate for science, especially on geochemistry and
paleoclimate. You have strong technical skills and are able to develop your
own ideas, with some independence.
Ideally, you have skills with stable isotope analyses and statistical tools
(R programming, Matlab or similar). You are fluent in spoken and written
English. You like to work in the field and have a driving license.
Furthermore, you are a team-builder, and you are willing to help
on other projects as well as some team tasks.
We offer: a 4-year contract within the GYPCLIMATE project with the
possibility to make research stays in international institutes, including
the University of Cologne, Germany and University of Cambridge, UK. We
offer a scientific environment with a laboratory fully equipped for stable
isotope analyses and a multidisciplinary team. The candidate will join the
GYPCLIMATE project’s team, covering a vast experience hydrology,
geochemistry and paleoclimate.
Applications throughout: https://www.aei.gob.es/convocatorias/buscador-
Project number: PID2021-123980OA-I00
Further information: f.gazquez en ual.es
Luis Arlegui Crespo
Grupo de investigación Geotransfer
Dpto. Ciencias de la Tierra (Facultad de Ciencias) e
Instituto Universitario en Ciencias Ambientales (IUCA)
Universidad de Zaragoza
Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009–Zaragozaarlegui en unizar.es <carluis en unizar.es>
ext.: 843474
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