[Dirtutor.tesis] EDUZ. Annual evaluation of the Doctorate. Tutor and director reports. Clarifications in modification of registration and recovery of NIP and password.

Escuela de Doctorado secredocto en unizar.es
Vie Mayo 17 09:31:57 CEST 2024

Note: This message was previously sent in Spanish. It's now send in 
English for your convenience.

> Good morning.
>  In relation to the queries received about the issuing of reports by 
> tutors and directors, we would like to inform you:
>  As indicated on page 5 of the Doctoral Management Manual 
> <https://escueladoctorado.unizar.es/sites/escueladoctorado/files/users/docto/docs/manual_tutores_y_directores_en.pdf>, 
> once in Doctoral Management, *to be able to issue a report*, on the 
> left of each doctoral student's record, *you must select the icon*
> Both tutors and thesis supervisors have a PIN and administrative 
> password with which they must access the application (in the case of 
> supervisors external to the University of Zaragoza, at the time they 
> had to self-register to obtain it and the EDUZ made the link with the 
> doctoral students to whom they supervise the thesis*). If you do not 
> remember your PIN and/or administrative password, you can recover it 
> by following the instructions* in PIN and administrative password 
> <https://escueladoctorado.unizar.es/es/nip-y-contrasena-administrativa> 
> (How to recover forgotten PIN or administrative password 
> <https://cau.unizar.es/osticket/kb/faq.php?id=292>). In case of doubts 
> or problems you can ask for more help at CAU 
> <https://cau.unizar.es/osticket/>.
> If you have been supervising theses for some time, it is possible that 
> your affiliation as supervisor has expired, since it is granted for a 
> period of time. In this case you will not be able to access the Sigma 
> platform and you should contact the Doctoral School 
> (extranjerosdoctorado en unizar.es) to check and, if necessary, update 
> this link.
> Regards.

Escuela de Doctorado.
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