[Dirtutor.tesis] Charlesworth Webinars / Final Info

Juan J. Mazo diredoc en unizar.es
Mie Jul 14 09:29:02 CEST 2021

Dear friends,

Throughout this semester, the Doctoral School of our university, in collaboration with the rest of the G9 University Group schools, has offered our doctoral students the possibility of attending 18 training webinars.

As part of the agreement signed with Charlesworth Author Services, we have access to the seminars, available for 12 months. 
If interested, please follow the link https://www.gotostage.com/channel/g9webinarseries <https://www.gotostage.com/channel/g9webinarseries> (you must register to watch the videos).

The list of titles can be consulted in our web page, https://escueladoctorado.unizar.es/es/cursos-line-charlesworth <https://escueladoctorado.unizar.es/es/cursos-line-charlesworth>
We hope they are of your interest.

Best regards

Juan J. Mazo

Escuela Doctorado
Universidad de Zaragoza

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