[Dade.ecemz] Summer School opportunities at the University of Pécs, Hungary

Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales, Facultad de Economía y Empresa ri1ecemz en unizar.es
Lun Jun 10 12:55:38 CEST 2024

Buenos días,
remitimos información sobre una Escuela de verano que se realizará en la 
Universidad de Pecs, en Hungría.
Un saludo,

José Manuel Guerrero Postigo
Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales
Facultad de Economía y Empresa
Universidad de Zaragoza
Gran Vía Santiago Ramón y Cajal, 2
50005 Zaragoza (Espańa)
ri1ecemz en unizar.es

-------- Mensaje reenviado --------
Asunto: 	Summer School opportunities at the University of Pécs, Hungary
Fecha: 	Tue, 4 Jun 2024 10:14:05 +0000
De: 	Árvay Orsolya <arvay.orsolya en pte.hu>
Para: 	Vecsánin Boglárka <vecsanin.boglarka en pte.hu>
CC: 	Dr. Pozsgai Gyöngyi <pozsgai.gyongyi en pte.hu>

Dear Colleague,

I would like to inform you that the University of Pécs still accepts 
applicants to our summer schools in July! Could you please circulate the 
below email among your students?

Thank you for your cooperation in advance!

Dear Student,

Would you like to spend your July earning academic credits while making 
lasting memories?

The University of Pécs in Hungary offers the following summer schools in 

*Two-week programs:*

  * European Studies – July 7-20
  * Leadership Skills – July 7-20

*Four-week programs:*

  * Combined European Studies and Leadership Skills program – July 3 –
    August 1
  * International Human Rights Law and Debate Academy - July 3 – August 1

*The application period for the summer schools is still open! 
Application deadline: June 20, 2024*

Details about the programs:

 1. *_European Studies Summer School _**– July 7-20*

*Short description:* During the summer school, students will studythe 
political, economic, cultural and social achievements and challenges of 
the European Union, as well as expand their knowledge on topics such as 
the art history, gastronomy and folk traditions of Europe. They will 
broaden their perspectives about the contributing factors that led to 
contemporary Europe, including migration, cultural diversity, gender 

*Who can apply: *The program is open to undergraduate, graduate**and PhD 

*Credits offered*: 6 ECTS credits

*Program fee:*  1050 EUR

*More information: 

 2. *_Leadership Skills Summer School_****– July 7-20*

*Short description:* The aim of the course is for students to become 
familiar with the leadership skills necessary to become effective, 
purposeful and good leaders. The main topic areas include leadership 
styles, strategic thinking, effective communication, team building, time 
management, responsibility and assertiveness.

*Who can apply: *The program is open to undergraduate, graduate**and PhD 

*Credits offered*: 6 ECTS credits

*Program fee:*  1050 EUR

More information: 

 3. *_Combined European Studies and Leadership Skills program_****– July
    3 – August 1*

*Who can apply: *The program is open to undergraduate, graduate**and PhD 

*Credits offered*: 11 ECTS credits

*Program fee:*  2250 EUR

More information: 


 4. *_International Human Rights Law and Debate Academy_****- July 3 –
    August 1*

*Short description:* The summer school will address some of the most 
tipical issues iof international human rights, including the protection 
of human rights in armed conflicts, the accession of the EU to the 
European Convention on Human Rights, the right to asylum versus national 
security, the human rights implications of AI systems and algorithmic 
decision-making, etc.The debate course will provide students with 
introduction to argumentation theory, rhetoric, and with practical 
skills-building exercises in debate and public speaking.

*Who can apply: *Law students

*Credits offered*: 12 ECTS credits

*Program fee:*  2500 EUR

More information: 

All the programs are taught in English.

*All the program fees include:*

  * cost of instruction
  * accommodation in a dormitory
  * lunch on teaching days
  * dinner when evening programs are organized
  * sightseeing, museum visits, Intercultural Evening, Quiz Night, wine
    tasting program, traditional Hungarian dinner night, Hungarian folk
    dance class, beach party

For further information please visit https://summerschool.pte.hu/ 

The University of Pécs, founded in 1367, is a diverse university with 
5,000 international students from 130 countries. Pécs is a gorgeous, 
vivid city with a 2000-year history, and it is a former European Capital 
of Culture. The city is an ideal place for students who would like to 
immerse themselves in Central-Eastern European culture while making 
friends with students from all over the world. The Pécs Summer School 
programs first started in 2016, and since then a growing number of 
programs have been offered to 1,200 students from 85 countries.

Kind regards,

Boglárka VECSÁNIN */(she/her)
/Study Abroad Program Coordinator



*Rector’s Cabinet*

*International Centre
University of Pécs, Hungary*

H-7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál u. 4.



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