[CdR-Aragón] [LearningPlanet Festival] Live roundtable "Education for Sustainability" - Monday 25th January 10:45am-12:15pm CET

charo.estrada en clubderoma.org charo.estrada en clubderoma.org
Vie Ene 22 11:31:12 CET 2021


Dear all, I guess this might be of your interest.


The Club of Rome is actively working with the main partners involved in the #LearningPlanet initiative <https://learning-planet.org/en> , among them UNESCO.

This collaboration includes participating in the #LearningPlanet Festival on Sunday and Monday.


The program includes (pre-recorded) contributions by CoR Co-Presidents Mamphela Ramphele and Sandrine Dixson-Declève and by myself, and I will have the pleasure and the honour to chair a live roundtable on "Education for Sustainability", Monday 25th January 10:45am-12:15pm CET.


Please, find below instructions to register for the Festival and details on the roundtable.

In the spirit of the CoR 1979 report "No Limits to Learning", I hope this will open new conversations on how to learn at last what we already know since long and give birth to new human civilizations of wellbeing within a healthy biosphere.


With my warmest regards,


Carlos Alvarez Pereira



#LEARNINGPLANET FESTIVAL: International Day of Education

Save the date: Jan 24 & 25 2021

Register now: bit.ly/lpf-virtual <https://t.co/gFE0upX8Ky?amp=1> 

Join us to celebrate learning to take care of oneself, others, and the planet!

Learn more: bit.ly/lpf-info <https://t.co/aYkWDYWIhf?amp=1> 


Roundtable 6 - Education for Sustainability

Date and time: Monday 25th January, 10:45-12:15 CET [ENGLISH]

In partnership with Club of Rome



In the face of the magnitude, scale and extreme complexity of sustainability challenges, all learners need to develop the necessary knowledge and skills for collaborative problem solving.  This session will explore how education needs to evolve by questioning what learners need to be, to understand, to know and to do.


Chair: Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Member of the Executive Committee, Club of Rome



*	Alison Bellwood, Founder and CEO, World’s Largest Lesson, UK 
*	Elise Buckle, Director of Climate & Sustainability, Advisor to the UN, and partnership facilitator, #PlanetaryEmergency 
*	Dr. Kirsten Dunlop, CEO, Climate KIC 
*	Victoria Haro, Universidad del Medio Ambiente, Mexico 
*	Gaëll Mainguy, Director of international development, CRI, France 
*	Ron Milo, Associate Professor, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 
*	Koën Timmers, Founder, Climate Action Project, Belgium 




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