[CdR-Aragón]GLOBALISTICS 2020: GLOBAL ISSUES & FUTURE OF HUMANKIND - May 20, 2020 – 11:00 to 17:00 CET - CLUB DE ROMA

charo.estrada en clubderoma.org charo.estrada en clubderoma.org
Vie Mayo 8 12:04:01 CEST 2020

Estimadas Señoras

Estimados Señores:


Por indicación del Sr. Carlos Álvarez Pereira, reenvío convocatoria al evento online, preparatorio de una gran conferencia presencial que tendrá lugar en otoño en Moscú, si las circunstancias lo permiten.


Reciban un cordial saludo,


Charo Estrada

Secretaría Capítulo Español del Club de Roma

C/ Fuencarral, 139, 5º A - 28010 MADRID

Teléfono: 91 431 67 99- Móvil: 650 59 55 90 





A special online session on Global Social Transformation
Organized by Moscow State University in collaboration with UNESCO, WAAS and The Club of Rome
May 20, 2020 – 11:00 to 17:00 CET


The inaugural meeting of Globalistics 2020 will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the UN, the 60th anniversary of WAAS and the 50th anniversary of The Club of Rome.

The e-conference will inaugurate Globalistics 2020, the 6th International Scientific Congress, originally scheduled to take place in Moscow at this time.

Subsequent online proceedings will be held during the third and fourth weeks of May.

The online sessions are expected to initiate a rich discussion among the participants on global leadership and social transformation, which are the focus of the UNOG-WAAS project 'Global Leadership for the 21st Century.'

Session 1: Inauguration and perspectives on the world today by MSU, UNESCO, WAAS & CoR.

Session 2: Present challenges of global transformations, new tasks related to Global Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Global Social Transformations (GST) moderated by UNESCO and MSU.

Session 3: Pathways for political, social, economic and ecological transformation based on an inclusive conception of global security—the role of global leadership, international organizations and "think-tanks" to assist the decision-making process moderated by WAAS and MSU.

Session 4: "Emerging from emergency"—a new role and a new meaning in the light of the present situation with COVID-19 which is radically changing the world.

Details of the agenda will follow shortly. Register here <https://ymlptr8.net/7e50auswmqafaehquqataejjaiaueqej/click.php>  to participate in the online meeting.



Best regards,



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